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Art you just have to have!

Daily Paintings and more by Sophi

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Le chat noir dort

"Dozing Cat"
6 x 12 x 1 1/2
Oui Oui!  Le chat noir dort!  (the black cat is sleeping)  Here we see le chat noir in the un-awakened state completely unaware of anything outside of his dream state.  He is completely absorbed in "muladhara", the base chakra.  He has not realized his potential as a superior being and remains asleep.  This is similar to the state of man when he has not realized his spiritual nature and potential and is unaware of his true self.  You will see in this next series of paintings the cycle of spiritual evolution which is available for all beings; animals and people alike! 
Step one is awakening the kundalini (or spiritual) energy which is symbolically coiled three times around the base of the spine.  How does one do this?  Well naturally you will need to discover that out on your own!  I am simply a guide pointing in one of the many directions available....Note that as this energy is released and flows upward through the other chakras it is purified and the spiritual awakening process beings........
Ooo la la!
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