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Art you just have to have!

Daily Paintings and more by Sophi

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Enlightened Chat Noir

The Enlightened Chat Noir
6 x 12 x 1 1/2
Well here she is at the pinnacle of self realization.  Le Chat Noir has become Enlightened and so can you if you follow in her footsteps...purify yourself on the inside and you will be delighted by the outside...
I actually had the vision for her long before the rest of the series.  It sometimes happens that way; you begin with the end in mind (and in my case it was a dream) and then the other pieces of the puzzle fall into place.   Ooo isn't that deep?  I'm not going to talk a lot about this piece nor the experience of reaching self actualization because all of the scriptures and books indicate that it is an experience beyond words which is why there is no need to talk about it and of course nothing needs to be said really.  Besides a picture is worth 1,000 words and she says them all....
Happy end of July! 

Friday, July 25, 2014


Available in Print $50
Original 6 x 12 x 1 1/2

Yes Indeed I finally finished the series (this is 6 of 7) and this is the enlightened chat noir purifying the sixth chakra.  Ironically I did not have the visual for this piece until I myself had just completed the siddhi mantra discipline for Ahem Prem (that's 125k repetitions of I am divine love in case you are wondering) which obviously would purify the sixth chakra since that is what prayer work does.  Isn't that deep & exciting!  The sixth chakra is also known as Ajna, the third eye or all seeing eye as it is the space where the mental and psychic aspects of our being unite.  This of course requires spiritual development which there are many paths for.  I just happen to be following Budda-purrs example.  You choose your own. 

Just look at that sweetheart she seems to say everything is really ok just close your eyes, breathe easy and meditate...Om purr...Try it.  I guarantee you will feel better!
In any event prints are available for $50 and most likely a 9 x 12 or 8 x 10
Next post will be the Enlightened Chat Noir...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Fifth Chakra

Speaks Volumes
6 x 12 x 1 1/2 oil on canvas
So Le chat noir has progressed in her spiritual evolution and is now working on the fifth chakra or what is also known as the throat chakra.  It is here that all dualities, polarities and dichotomies of opposites are accepted within ourselves without judgment.  Well isn't that a relief.  It is also the center of speech.  Here the pussy cat is ready to roar.  MEOW!
artwork available at

Friday, July 18, 2014

Opening the Heart

Opening the Heart
6 x 12 x 1 1/2 Oil on Canvas
Here we see the Enlightened Chat Noir in the downward cat position.  Frankly, she's never understood why it was called Down Dog either when cats really seem to be the developers of it and the masters....So in this position le chat noir is balancing all of her chakras and opening the heart.  What does opening the heart center do?  Well allows more love and compassion to flow in and out of your life.  And who couldn't use a little more love?  This is the Anahata chakra which stands for unstruck sound.  I don't know about you but my cat is often silent....still I can feel all that loving vibration and compassion that is always present....

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


6 x 12 x 1 1/2 oil on canvas
Oh does this divine creature know she is a goddess or what?  That's right le chat noir continues the spiritual advancement and begins to understand that thought with the combination of will produces the physical manifestation.  Is that exciting or what?!  And all without uttering a single word!  Manifesta symbolizes the third chakra - the center of inner power, energy, ambitions and drives.  She's got it down!  Learn from her..... And study your own center of being to manifest your desires!
other pieces in the series available at

Friday, July 11, 2014

Pet Me!

"Pet Me!"
6 x 12 x 1 1/2 oil on canvas
Well le chat noir has "awakened" and he is now experiencing his bliss in his second chakra which is sometimes referred to as the emotions and feelings zone.  A place where physical pleasures and desires are indulged in.  Ooo la la I know!  Oh to be a cat.....
This is part of my series on the Enlightened Chat Noir.  The images came to me as dreams so obviously I was not concerned with getting the dimension "right" as is often sought after by many painters.  As an artist is it sometimes much more important to communicate an idea than to be perfect.  Pure raw imagination should not be tampered with!  And I'm sure by the picture you get the idea - the cat wants to be stroked on his belly & enjoy the pleasure!  Ooo la la!
available for purchase at

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Le chat noir dort

"Dozing Cat"
6 x 12 x 1 1/2
Oui Oui!  Le chat noir dort!  (the black cat is sleeping)  Here we see le chat noir in the un-awakened state completely unaware of anything outside of his dream state.  He is completely absorbed in "muladhara", the base chakra.  He has not realized his potential as a superior being and remains asleep.  This is similar to the state of man when he has not realized his spiritual nature and potential and is unaware of his true self.  You will see in this next series of paintings the cycle of spiritual evolution which is available for all beings; animals and people alike! 
Step one is awakening the kundalini (or spiritual) energy which is symbolically coiled three times around the base of the spine.  How does one do this?  Well naturally you will need to discover that out on your own!  I am simply a guide pointing in one of the many directions available....Note that as this energy is released and flows upward through the other chakras it is purified and the spiritual awakening process beings........
Ooo la la!
to purchase artwork visit

Thursday, July 3, 2014

All Those Golden Orbs

"Golden Orbs"
8 x 8 x 1 1/2 oil on canvas
I hope you have enjoyed the dragonfly lessons.  I think this is the last of my dragonfly works for the time being.  I am working on another series now that probably won't be ready for another few months.  At that point, when I write about the dragonfly, it will most likely be from a more mystical perspective.  Doesn't that sound fun!  Perhaps one that includes folklore or magical powers associated with the ancient insect that has allegedly been on earth for millions of years.  How they "know" these things is a mystery to me and why it matters.....
Happy Independence Day too!  Woohoo!
artwork available at purchase page

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Iced Dragonfly

"Iced Dragonfly"
8 x 8 x 1 1/2 Oil on Canvas
Well I hope you have been enjoying the growth and mating lessons on dragonflies!  After all of the excitement of mating is complete, the female still needs to lay her eggs which go into or near the water and thus begins the next life cycle of dragonflies here on earth...
Some females cut little slits in stems of leaves or water plants and lay the eggs there.  Others insert them below the water line and still others place the eggs near moss, rotted wood, tree branches, or damp soil / mud.  Still more simply drop the eggs into the water while flying.  Remember all dragonflies start out as nymphs and therefore begin their life in the water...
Males sometimes accompany the females while she lays her eggs.  As a sort of protection from predators...After that the relationship may be over......
I know, sad isn't it? 
artwork available at purchase page